Tuesday, 12 December 2006


For the most part of its life-cycle, XWin-NMR did contain a huge hole and nobody used to complain. I wonder if Bruker is a cult more than a instruments-maker. Whatever Bruker does is forgiven by its loyal customers. In the case I am writing about, you had a value of temperature stored in your file that had nothing to do with the actual temperature at which the spectrum was acquired. For example: the probe was at 240 K and the software reported the value 298 K. The reason was obvious, almost natural: the temperature could be controlled by Win-NMR, but in practice you were (and still are) using another program, called "edte", which operates directly on the thermal unit and can't be aware of the active data-set, or of the existence of a spectrometer, for that matter. With edte you can set and monitor the temperature of the probe, but the value is not saved in the spectrum. (The latter belonging to XWin-NMR, not to edte).
It was unbelievable that at the same time Bruker could claim to care about GLPs. The situation went on, in this fashion, for many years. The last generation of XWin-NMR solved the problem: when the acquisition is completed, the software reads the temperature of the probe and stores this value into the spectrum.
This anecdote tells why old Bruker users admire the successor TopSpin. The cause of their happiness is the end of their past sufferings.

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